2007年10月20日 星期六

oh Canada oh America!

oh Canada oh America Education Exhibition!

I went there this afternoon with Jennifer for no particular reason( my particular reason was to hang out with Jennifer actually><)

Actually the name of this expo in Chinese put the "oh America" in the front but you see I personally consider that the Canadians is sensitive with that lol
so I put the "oh Canada" in the front ^&^

Anyway, the whole Exhibition was quite good.

我和李芃兒隨便晃like we were doing some shopping似的 哈哈 人比我想像中的多
but of course比英國教育展少 從四點到五點 總共看了..let me count..about four I think.
下午上CL class站了一小時走路+教育展 快三個小時快受不了><>
能和芃兒去it's worth it~ 我們兩似乎都看中一家在加州San Fransico附近
如果可以跟Jennifer一起到外頭留學多好呀 呵呵(幻想中)
哇哈 一開始聽Staff小姐講說在加州的時候
(更恐怖的是想到"Charlie's Angels" lol))
哇哈哈 Staff小姐問我說他是在加州哪裡 熊熊不記得 or Mr.Charlie沒跟我講過!?
Anyway, Staff小姐講的超級無敵清楚的!快又清楚的讓我們了解也不容易 哈
這是我們最後一家看的大學 看到最中意的真Lucky
不是說前幾家不好 只是"印象"沒比這家好吧 人總是看第一印象的阿XD

ohh Jennifer~~ Shall we go to the same college together!!!?

Exciting DreamING
